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What we think is exactly what will happen

        (Klik untuk Melihat artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia) Translated by: Google Translate       

      “It hurts too much, I cannot take this anymore” “I am a pessimist, I think my illness will be hard to be cured” Those thoughts do interact with your body, do you believe it? People around us have their own paradigm, there are pessimist and optimist. Do you have a friend who has serious illness, but he/she then comes back to life freely without his/her illness. Does he/she manage his/her ailment with an optimist paradigm? Do you realize why doctors who have a patient with an unhealed illness try to conceal the truth from the patient? There are many stories that tell us miracle does occur, a patient with an unhealed illness sometimes healed. Doctor who take cares of he/she conceal the truth that his/her illness is cannot be healed. Then the patient sees his/her illness with an optimist paradigm and then fully cured. The occurrence of mind and body interaction is true. Optimist paradigm is better than pessimist paradigm in health condition because there is a science theory that proves mind interacts with hormone and there are many evidence stories.

       Mind interacts with hormones, our hormones are controlled by our hypothalamus which lies in our brain. Brain is used to think, to have ideas, to have mind. According to David Schreiber, MD, PhD, in his book Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life “Psychological stress has been associated with cancer for more than 2,000 years. The type of mindset that can most negatively affect your health is the feeling of utter helplessness and despair.” The feeling of utter helplessness and despair push us to think negatively. When we are stress out, our adrenaline hormone is produced automatically and continuously. When adrenalin hormone level in our body is too much, it will “eat” our protein, our fat, and our carbohydrate. It makes we feel listless and lazy to do anything, we just want to lie in our bed and doing nothing. It automatically affects our health, we do not want to eat but our energy is being consumed too much by hormone. Our health will deteriorates significantly in a few days. Those who already have serious illness will be harder to be cured, and those who do not have illness will get it automatically if he/she stresses out for too long.

       There are many evidence stories. There are some researches that prove mind and body do interact, one of them is a research at Mayo Clinic. Scientists have found that optimistic people have a better health condition rather than pessimistic people. A research at Mayo Clinic ( followed the progress of patients over 30 years has revealed, Those who maintain an optimistic attitude have a lower impact caused by health problems than those who view the world with pessimistic way.

       Another story, it happens in my neighborhood. Mr. Ayoh, a mosque care taker, who came back to his normal life after hit by stroke disease. He recovered and avoided permanent paralyzed. He told me how to get over a severe disease. The key is just to believe. Believe sooner or later you’ll be fully cured. Believe God is always with you to help you. Believe that you can get through all the pain. Mr. Ayoh proved it with evidence. He fully recovered from stroke disease without any significant impact.

        Mr. Ayoh told me too that  you must have a willingness to be cured , you must have a spirit to get through from your illness, you must see the world with an optimistic paradigm. He had a friend who suffered stroke too. But sadly, his friend cannot get through and passed out. He told me that his friend did not have enough spirit to be healed and his friend saw the world with an pessimistic paradigm

      Those evidences prove that mind-body interaction is true. With an optimistic paradigm someone will be easier to be cured. Having an optimistic paradigm towards life is better than having pessimist paradigm. Mind-body interaction affects health condition. Having an optimistic paradigm is “mind”, healthy condition is “body.” They do interact, when one changes, another thing changes. - Amgah


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