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Soccer = My Life

"Soccer is not just a game. Soccer is not just a sport. Soccer is my Life"

(Klik untuk Melihat artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia) Translated by: Google Translate)      

Real Madrid versus Barcelona is now playing on TV. Many people are talking about it. But there is a discussion which attracts my ear to hear, my hand to write, my mind to think.

 “I am not a footballer, but soccer is my life” Said Peter who is a Madridista, a fan of Madrid

“So, why do you think soccer is your life while you’re not a footballer?” Gray replied, Gray is Peter’s best friend 

“Soccer has got into my life so much. I got a lot of life lessons from soccer. I live my life with a footballer soul”

“I don’t get it, what do you mean by that?” Gray’s face looks curious

“Look at that! Benzema is trying to score!” Peter’s face is filled with excitement “listen to the commentator Gray!”

Suddenly, Peter and Gray keep silent for a while and listen to the commentator words so carefully

“Benzema has got the ball, now he is dribbling deep into the opposition defense. Benzema is trying to protect the ball from Puyol, but ooohhh no, Puyol take the ball from him. Benzema fall down onto the ground.”

 “Now Puyol is dribbling and searching for support. Benzema get up and look for Puyol to get his ball back. Benzema is trying to steal the ball. What a show! He gets it! Real Madrid gets their possession back”

“Benzema is running towards the goal, now he is protecting the ball more securely. He learns from his fault. He is running to the goal. Valdes is the last wall, Benzema shoots! And goal!!!!”

“Look at that Gray! Look at that! Madrid will win the match!! Yeeehaaa” Peter looks so happy

“Peter! I still curious, what do you mean by get life lessons from soccer?”

“Did you listen to the commentator, Gray?”

“Of course, their words were still banging around in my mind. They were talking so loud”

“Oh come on, that’s not the point. Did you look how Benzema got his goal?”

“Yeah of course, I’m here beside you, how can I did not look at it!”

“Gray.... Benzema got his first ball after he had failed at the first attempt”

“When he was dribbling but Puyol stole his ball?”

“Yap, and he fell down but then he got up! That’s lesson number one”

“....” Gray’s mouth do not speak a word, but his mind is full of words

“Now lesson number two. Benzema still played with full of spirit although he failed to protect the ball from Puyol”

“...” Gray keeps silent

“And guess what! Benzema got his ball back! Furthermore he made his first goal in the match”

“He learned from his first fault, and beat the opposition defender. He learned how to protect the ball more securely from his first fault.” Gray gets what Peter means

“Yap! You’ve got it. Now let’s watch the match, Madrid players will lift the trophy, I believe it”


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