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Real Madrid to participate in the 2009 Peace Cup

Pedja Mijatovic today confirmed Real Madrid's presence in the 2009 Peace Cup. Along with Real Madrid's Sporting Director, those taking part in the presentation were the President of the Peace Dream Foundation, Mr. Hyun Jin Moon; the President of ASAP S.L., Mr. Francisco de Borbón; and Andalusia's Sports Minister, Mr. Diego Jesús Avelino.

Mr. Diego Jesús Avelino thanked Real Madrid for their decision to participate and stressed how important their presence will be in the Peace Cup's overall impact. "It creates huge media buzz in Andalusia and all of Spain. We are hoping that 180 countries will be able to watch these matches," opened Avelino. "I am thrilled that one of the best teams of all time has accepted the offer to participate in a tournament promoting global peace. Their presence will only add prestige, and we are convinced they will play in the same competitive manner that they are known for. Real Madrid never give up, which explains their seniority among greats."

Mijatovic: "Real Madrid are always ready to fight for peace and against poverty"
Pedja Mijatovic later discussed why the club decided to participate in the tournament. "Real Madrid have always wanted to participate in tournaments that promote fundamental campaigns such as peace and the fight against poverty. We are very happy to have the opportunity to help alleviate such problems. I could go on and on about these matter being that my country dealt with them in the 90's, when youth fought for something they didn't even understand. It makes us proud, and I am committed to ensuring that our players do everything they can so that this event has a global impact."

"After the idea was pitched to us, we assessed both the social and sports impact it could have. Real Madrid are always ready to lend a hand, and this is a great chance to send a message of world peace; a cause Real Madrid has always taken to heart. Additionally, these matches against prominent clubs will help us prepare for the following season. Preseasons are always important, and being able to play these matches here in Spain is an excellent opportunity for us. All the pieces came together for Real Madrid to play in this tournament." 

The first Peace Cup was held in 2003 and has taken place biennially ever since. Next summer's edition will be the first held outside South Korea. Madrid, Huelva, Sevilla, Jerez and Malaga will host matches that are tentatively scheduled for July 2009. All proceeds will be donated to social welfare projects that assist youth.

PSV Eindhoven defeated Olympique Lyonnais in the first edition of the tournament. The French side has played in every final, losing the 2005 tournament to Tottenham Hotspur and winning in 2007 against Bolton Wanderers. They will again compete in 2009, thus joining Real Madrid and Sevilla as confirmed participants. Other initiatives carried out by the Peace Dream Foundation include the Peace Queen Cup, the Peace Star Cup, and the Peace Korean Cup.


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